Game Interface
Add a new Sprite to the Game Layout.
Add a new Sprite to the Game Layout.
Call it UIFruit
Call it UIFruit
In the Sprite Editor Select Load Frames
In the Sprite Editor Select Load Frames
Select the UIFruit ZIP file
Select the UIFruit ZIP file
A Sprite with multiple different fruit frames will now be loaded.
A Sprite with multiple different fruit frames will now be loaded.
At the bottom of the screen the background has hooks
At the bottom of the screen the background has hooks
We are going to duplicate the UIFruit Sprite
We are going to duplicate the UIFruit Sprite
The size of each fruit sprite is 128 x 128
The size of each fruit sprite is 128 x 128
So each fruit will be 128 pixels away from the previous one.
So each fruit will be 128 pixels away from the previous one.
And hang each fruit on a hook using the following positions
And hang each fruit on a hook using the following positions
From left to right (Y is always 1688) the X positions are:
From left to right (Y is always 1688) the X positions are:
Cherry: 92, Lemon: 220, Orange: 348, Tomato 476, Melon: 604, Coconut: 732, Pumpkin 860, Watermelon 988
Cherry: 92, Lemon: 220, Orange: 348, Tomato 476, Melon: 604, Coconut: 732, Pumpkin 860, Watermelon 988
Add a New Sprite
Add a New Sprite
Call it UINext
Call it UINext
Use the UINext image file
Use the UINext image file
Give it the Tween behaviour
Give it the Tween behaviour
Position it at 92,1592
Position it at 92,1592
Add New Sprite
Add New Sprite
Call it UIBest
Call it UIBest
Use the UIBest image file
Use the UIBest image file
Give it the Tween behaviour
Give it the Tween behaviour
Position it at 92, 1784
Position it at 92, 1784
Add a new Text object
Add a new Text object
Call it TextScore
Call it TextScore
Set size to: 1080 x 96
Set size to: 1080 x 96
Set position to: 0, 1820
Set position to: 0, 1820
Set Text to: Score: 0
Set Text to: Score: 0
Set size to: 48
Set size to: 48
Set Bold to: True
Set Bold to: True
Align horizontally and vertically to: Center
Align horizontally and vertically to: Center
Set the colour to: White
Set the colour to: White
Play the recharge animation for the delay between each fruit drop
Play the recharge animation for the delay between each fruit drop
Now the player can no longer just spam fruits
Now the player can no longer just spam fruits
Only allow the player to drop fruit if they are within the game boundary
Only allow the player to drop fruit if they are within the game boundary