Here is an image you can use for the Background.
Here is an image you can use for the Background.
Right-Click on the image on this page and choose Save As
Right-Click on the image on this page and choose Save As
Name it Background.
Name it Background.
Rename Layer 0 to Background.
Rename Layer 0 to Background.
Drag the Background file into the Layout.
Drag the Background file into the Layout.
Now open the Background in the Sprite Editor.
Now open the Background in the Sprite Editor.
Change the Origin Point to Top Left.
Change the Origin Point to Top Left.
Set the position of the Background image to 0,0.
Set the position of the Background image to 0,0.
Also disable collision detection on the Background.
Also disable collision detection on the Background.
Finally, LOCK the Background Layer.
Finally, LOCK the Background Layer.