The Z-Order Bar is a tool that helps you manage the visual layering of objects in your game. It controls which objects appear in front of or behind other objects on the screen, based on their Z-order.

The Z-Order Bar allows you to easily reorder objects so that:

For example, if you have a character and a tree, you can use the Z-Order Bar to make sure the character appears in front of or behind the tree, depending on how you want the scene to look. This is especially useful in 2D games to organize how elements are visually layered.

Right-click on the layout

choose Z-ORDER then Open Z-ORDER BAR

Expand the Player Layer

Things higher up appear in front of things lower down.

Drag the PlantAreaLight further down the list

Now the light should appear to come from behind the plant.

We will add a light which follows the player around and will need to rearrange the z-order again later.