Merge Game Tutorial

What is a merge game?

Merge games are a subgenre of puzzle games.

Players need to drag the same or similar items and merge them together. 

Once this is done, these items then turn into new and improved items. 

For example, merging three green plants turns them into a flower. 

Upon this, players usually get rewarded with coins, treasures, or in-game characters. 

Why do players like merge games?

One of the things that make merge games so appealing is their simple gameplay.

It is very quick for a player to pick up a merge game and understand the mechanics. 

The other is instant satisfaction. 

When players merge items in these games, they create order out of chaos. 

Finally, merge players enjoy games’ straightforward progression mechanics. 

They always know their path to the next level, so they always have a goal to strive toward.