Overview and Plan
Overview and Plan
Make a simple game where the player collects coins and increases in size when they do.
Make a simple game where the player collects coins and increases in size when they do.
Start by creating a player that can move around a level.
Use the arrow keys to move up, down, left, or right in 2D space.
We will also create a collectible coin.
We will save this as its own scene so that we can copy and paste it throughout our level.
When the player collides with a coin, we want the player to increase in size and the coin to be destroyed.
Visualise it as follows:
Visualise it as follows:
Create a new Godot Project and call it CoinCollector.
Create a new Godot Project and call it CoinCollector.
Start a new 2DScene.
Start a new 2DScene.
Save the Scene as CoinCollectorLevel
Save the Scene as CoinCollectorLevel