Create a new Scene
Create a new Scene
Add an Area3D as the root
Add an Area3D as the root
Rename it to Spikes
Rename it to Spikes
Save the scene as Spikes
Save the scene as Spikes
Drag the spikesLarge.obj into the scene
Drag the spikesLarge.obj into the scene
Reset the position to 0,0,0
Reset the position to 0,0,0
Set the scale to 1,3 on X, Y and Z
Set the scale to 1,3 on X, Y and Z
Rename the Node to Model
Rename the Node to Model
Add a CollisionShape3D with a BoxShape3D collider
Add a CollisionShape3D with a BoxShape3D collider
Resize it to fit the spike model.
Resize it to fit the spike model.
Add a Script to the Spikes root node.
Add a Script to the Spikes root node.
Connect the body_entered signal
Connect the body_entered signal
Add spikes to the level. Touching them will reset the level.
Add spikes to the level. Touching them will reset the level.