Scripting is a powerful tool that allows us to create gameplay behaviors and logic for our game. 

It is done by creating a Script in the FileSystem, which is essentially a text document filled with code that

we can then attach to a node, via the Script property, which every node has. Our code will then

affect the node directly, doing things like influencing the player’s position or acting as an enemy AI.

Create a New Scene

Add a Node2D

In the Inspector go to the Script Property

Choose New Script from the drop down.

Save your Script as IntroToScripting

Script Editor

The Script Editor

The Script Editor is where we can write down our code. 

It is a text editor specifically designed for GDScript, which is the scripting language of Godot. 

By default there is some code already in the document, which is standard when creating a new script in Godot.

On the left of the editor, you will find two lists, one for the Scripts in the project, and another for the

Methods in the current script, which we  will investigate further in another section.

Save your Scene.