Throughout this tutorial continue to: right-click on the images on this page and choose Save As...
Throughout this tutorial continue to: right-click on the images on this page and choose Save As...
More set decoration - 2 images: one for the ground
More set decoration - 2 images: one for the ground
and the other for some decorative cave elements.
and the other for some decorative cave elements.
Before adding the foreground to the scene
Before adding the foreground to the scene
we need to make a layer for it.
we need to make a layer for it.
Create a new layer at the top and name it Foreground.
Create a new layer at the top and name it Foreground.
Drag ForegroundGround file into your Layout.
Drag ForegroundGround file into your Layout.
Change the origin to the Top-Left.
Change the origin to the Top-Left.
Change the position to 0 , 0.
Change the position to 0 , 0.
To prevent accidentally selecting and moving the ForegroundGround image
To prevent accidentally selecting and moving the ForegroundGround image
Right-Click on it and choose Lock then Lock Selection.
Right-Click on it and choose Lock then Lock Selection.
Now carry out the same steps for the ForegroundSpikes
Now carry out the same steps for the ForegroundSpikes
Remember to lock it as well.
Remember to lock it as well.