Create a new CharacterBody3D scene.

Call it Player.

Drag the characterVampire.obj  from the models folder

into the scene.

Make it a child of the Player.

Increase the scale of the model to 1.5 on all axes.

Ensure the position is set to 0 , 0, 0

Rename CharacterVampire to Model

So that we can identify it as the model easily.

The Player needs a HitBox

Add a CollisionShape3D node

Choose the Capsule3D shape

Scale the collider to fit the player.

Scale the collider to match the height

and width of the Player‘s Model using the

orange circles found around the collider. 

You may also need to reposition the collider using the

movement tool. 

Alternatively, you can set the values directly in the Inspector.

The Player scene needs a Camera3D node. 

This will be our viewport

and will allow the game’s view to track the player as they move.

Now position the camera

to look down at the player

Optional camera positions 

shown here

Tick the Current value in the Inspector 

to tell Godot to use this camera as the viewpoint. 

Press the Play button to test the game. 

You may get asked to select a scene, if so choose the Select Current option. 

With everything set up, you should now see the player model from

the viewpoint of the camera.

Depending on where the camera is

the player could appear far away or

too close. 

To fix this, change the FOV property 

Lower values will zoom in 

while higher values will zoom out.

Lighting the Player Scene

Add a DirectionalLight3D node.

This will act as our sunglight.

Point the light arrow down

To spread light evenly.

Add shadows by enabling them

on the light node

Playing the game again

You can see the scene is much brighter.