Drag BoxLarge into the viewport.

This is the starting block for the Player. (Set it's position to 0,0,0)

Add a New StaticBody3D Node.

This allows our Platform to collide.

Static bodies are used for stationary objects.

Rename it to PlatformLarge

Now drag BlockLarge down so that it is a 

child of PlatformLarge

Give the StaticBody a Collision Shape - this the HitBox.

Add a CollisionShape3D

Choose New BoxShape3D

Use the handles to resize it to fit our platform.

Move the platform down so that the top is level with the editor’s grid.

This will allow ground level to be at 0 on the Y-axis. 

To snap the Y-axis along the grid, hold down the CTRL button 

while dragging the green arrow downward.

Create a new folder in the FileSystem

Call it Platforms

Drag the PlatformLarge Node into the folder

This is a quick way to save it as a Scene.

Now we can drop many platforms into our first Level.

We can edit and resize these platforms to layout our level.

Go ahead and design a level for yourself.