Transition Layer

When we move from one Layout to the next we will add a transition.

128  Add a new layer at the top.

Call it Transition.

Make it a global layer.

129 Add a new Sprite to the Level Folder.

Name it Transition.

Use the Transition image in the assets folder.

130 Add the Transistion Sprite to your Temp Layout.

Set the size to 64 x 64

Add the Sine Behaviour to it.

Use the settings provided:

131 Lock all the other layers.

Deselect them so they are invisible.

Unlock Transistion Layer.

Leave it as visible.

132 Select your Layout in Project View (RIGHT)

133 Change the origin of the transition tile to TOP LEFT

Apply to the WHOLE ANIMATION (right click origin)

Set Animation SPEED to 0

134 Snap first Transition block to position 0,0

Then, as you did for the background, fill the layout with Transistion blocks.

135 Add code to the Level 1 Event Sheet

136 Add code to Confetti to go to the next level.