Vertical Platform

Create a new event sheet for the Vertical Platform

Create a Group for moving the platform UP


The system will repeat this code 

for EVERY Vertical Platform in the game:

If the Platform is overlapping the chain

AND the Player is Just above the platform

AND the Player is on the floor (not jumping)

The platform is raised upwards by 1 pixel at a time.

The platforms ON animation is played.

If the Platform is NO LONGER overlapping the chain above it

(There is no more vertical track)

The platforms STOP animation is played

Create a group for moving the platform DOWN


The system will repeat this code 

for EVERY Vertical Platform in the game:

If the Platform is overlapping the chain BELOW IT

(There is track below it)

IF the Player is NO LONGER just above the platform

The platform is lowered by 1 pixel at a time.

The platforms ON animation is played.

IF the Platform is NOT overlapping the chain BELOW it

(There is NO MORE track below)

The platforms STOP animation is played.