Rebuild Bridge

A timeline is an animation controller. 

Every construct project has a default timeline.

We can add more if we need to.

Rename the default one to RebuildBridge

We need to include a TimelineController object

in the project to control the animation.

Double-click anywhere in the layout and search for timeline.

Add the TimelineController call it: Timeline

Double-Click the timeline and drag the Timeline window to the bottom of the screen to dock it.

Click on the plus to add an object to the timeline.

Add the first bridge piece.

We are able to animate (change over time) 

the X and Y position of the Bridge Piece.

We need to animate the rotation too.

Add it by Right-Clicking the BridgePiece in the Timeline

And selecting Add Properties

Then choose Angle

The green line represents the end of the timeline

It is the total time to complete all animations.

The red line indicates the current time elapsed.

Drag the red line to 1.5 seconds.

Click on Edit mode in the Timeline.

Now in the layout, move and rotate the piece to

its final location

Right-click on the BridgePiece choose Timeline --> Set Keyframes

Click on the pencil to turn OFF Edit mode.

Use the playback tools to rewind and play the animation.

Repeat this process for the rest of the bridge pieces

Animating them as you like.

My final timeline looks like this:

Our next step is to trigger the timeline to play...